Queen of juniper

Unique as the landscape

The landscape around Gomadingen is known for its juniper heathland. To maintain this unique countryside with an especially species-rich flora and fauna, a lot of time has to be wasted for the fostering. The products of juniper like for example the oil, the wood chippings, the gin or the soap are produced of the material which comes up from the measures for the fostering. The queen of juniper represents all these products as well as the whole region which attracts annually thousands of cyclists and hikers.

The products of juniper can be purchased in the tourist information in Gomadingen. In 2006, the first queen of juniper was crown. After an interview with the candidates, the reply of different questions and the conducting of various tasks, the election of the queen was carried out by the audience. The official term is two years. The mainly function of the queen of juniper is to represent the region of Gomadingen with the wonderful landscape and the derived products. For this there are a lot of appearances at different events. The products of juniper can be purchased in the Tourist-Information in Gomadingen.